DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.12349/ees.v6i2.4902
Article ID: 4902
曹伟伟,严雪伟,谌佳佳,等.垃圾焚烧电厂周边环境空气和土壤中二噁英含量研究[J].河南科学,2023.12(12):1765~1771.Horizontal flow constructed wetland of xulina-water hyacinth combination was used to remove heavy metalsDong YanHunan Agricultural University, Changsha, Hunan, 410001, ChinaAbstractPlant combination of H.Verticillata-E.Crassipes were used in constructed wetland in order to purify the swine wastewater to remove heavy metals in irrigation water and to reduce heavy metal accumulation in crops. Experiment is seting up as a horizontal flow constructed wetland(HFCW) with one natural sedimentation cell and two
plant cells. The experiment take place in Ansha, Hunan province during April to August,2017. Result shows that the HFCW has a significant removal effect on Cd with removal rates of 69.2% . Purified water meets the standard of national irrigation water quality of farmland. Accumulation of Cd in E.Crassipe is stronger than that of H.Verticillata. The combination of H.Verticillata-E.Crassipes in HFCW can be a promising option for phytoremediation to treat Heavy metal in swine wastewate, with the advan
tages of low cost and easy maintenance.KeywordH.Verticillata E.Crassipes constructed wetland heavy metal利用狐尾藻 - 水葫芦组合水平流人工湿地去除重金属严冬湖南农业大学,中国·湖南长沙 410001摘要利用狐尾藻-水葫芦植物组合人工湿地净化安沙某地农田养殖废水,降低农田灌溉水中重金属,减少农田作物重金属富集,实现水质循环。试验设置为一级天然沉降池+两级植物塘串联的水平流人工湿地,进行为期4月的检测。试验结果表明,该人工湿地组合对Cd有明显的去除效果,去除率分别为69.2%,排出水符合农田灌溉水水质标准,水葫芦对Cd的富集能力要强于狐尾藻,采用该植物组合人工湿地可以有效处理养殖废水污染中重金属,经济成本低且易于维护。关键词狐尾藻水葫芦人工湿地重金属【作者简介】严冬(1993-),男,中国江苏人,硕士,从事环境生态学研究。1 简介随着环境质量的恶化和对农艺化学品依懒性的日益增长, 土壤重金属污染问题已经成为世界各地关注的重要热点之一,其中作为农业大省湖南目前最严重的问题之一重金属镉对土地的污染治理已经迫在眉睫
。在水资源总量2/3的地表水中,污染问题同样严重。根据全国水资源综合规划评价成果,204个湖泊中常年呈现富营养化状态的湖泊有68个,占比达到33.2%[2-3]。土壤受到重金属污染后, 会危害植物生长。高浓度重金属污染会导致植物叶绿素含量与光合速率下降, 种子发芽率降低, 生长迟缓, 产量降低,叶片黄化, 花期推迟, 根系受到抑制, 严重时植株死亡
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